
This is a real adventure for me, having the chance to spend an entire year on sabbatical. I know that many of you would like to come along for the journey, so I decided to launch my own blog site. I am new at this, so I ask your patience. Hopefully together we can enjoy this year of new discovery and adventure, of reflection and contemplation, in the spirit of St. Ignatius, the pilgrim. Just Scroll down to view my blog.


Sunday, August 22, 2010

From Moab to Capitol Reef, and then on to Bryce Canyon

I got up early in order to avoid the heat of the day and left Moab UT for Capitol Reef National Park.  The ride through the scenic Highway Rt. 12 was both beautiful and scary at the same time.  At one point you drive over the spine of the mountains with steep drops to your right and to your left.  I said a lot of Acts of Contrition going through that stretch.

I am tired right now so I will continue with more photos tomorrow.  This is really a truly fantastic part of the USA!

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