
This is a real adventure for me, having the chance to spend an entire year on sabbatical. I know that many of you would like to come along for the journey, so I decided to launch my own blog site. I am new at this, so I ask your patience. Hopefully together we can enjoy this year of new discovery and adventure, of reflection and contemplation, in the spirit of St. Ignatius, the pilgrim. Just Scroll down to view my blog.


Thursday, August 12, 2010

St. Louis, MO - White House Retreat Center

The four and a half hour drive from Nashville to St. Louis yesterday was uneventful, except for the extreme heat – 101 degrees and a heat index of 110! The Retreat Center sits on a bluff overlooking the Mississippi River in a very nice area outside of the center of St. Louis.

It is a huge complex of several buildings and parking areas, beautiful grounds, fountains and flower gardens. I had trouble finding which building was the main one, but was pleased to find that they are all air-conditioned!

Finally I found my way to the Retreat Office and was helped out by a very nice woman named Shirley. Apparently, the Jesuits have their own residence on the property and I would be staying in one of the retreat buildings, pictured below.

They are between retreats and so there is no one around at the moment, except for St. Ignatius (above). I hope to be able to speak with someone on the team tomorrow about their operation here.

1 comment:

  1. Your photos bring memories of several wonderful retreats I experienced at White House. Our retreat was always first weekend of February, so we had winter weather, but God met us in the grayness of winter.
