
This is a real adventure for me, having the chance to spend an entire year on sabbatical. I know that many of you would like to come along for the journey, so I decided to launch my own blog site. I am new at this, so I ask your patience. Hopefully together we can enjoy this year of new discovery and adventure, of reflection and contemplation, in the spirit of St. Ignatius, the pilgrim. Just Scroll down to view my blog.


Thursday, August 19, 2010

Regis Univeristy and Sedalia

Today I spent some time planning my next leg of the trip.  I have changed my route since I will no longer be going to Colorado Springs.  I plan to leave tomorrow for Moab, UT.

I took some pictures on campus of the Jesuit residence, the new chapel, and a new garden crucifix which was installed the day I arrived.  Apparently it was made for a church in Africa that couldn't afford it, so it was given to Regis University.   It is a beautiful african representation of Jesus on the Cross.

After lunch I headed to Sedalia, CO. to visit the Sacred Heart Retreat House and interview Ed Kinerk, SJ about the challenges they face administratively and programmatically.  There were thunderstorms this afternoon so some of the pictures are darker than normal.

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