
This is a real adventure for me, having the chance to spend an entire year on sabbatical. I know that many of you would like to come along for the journey, so I decided to launch my own blog site. I am new at this, so I ask your patience. Hopefully together we can enjoy this year of new discovery and adventure, of reflection and contemplation, in the spirit of St. Ignatius, the pilgrim. Just Scroll down to view my blog.


Saturday, August 28, 2010

Lake Powell and the North Rim of the Grand Canyon

I decided to get up early, even though I was awake after midnight to look at the alignment of the moon and Mars – quite impressive in the darkness at the campsite in Bryce Canyon National Park. I figured I would try to get to the North Rim of the Grand Canyon and then see what I would do from there. On my way out of Bryce Canyon, near Red Canyon, I got one more shot of a natural bridge over the highway. In fact there are two in this region.

Heading toward Page, AZ I encountered the Colorado River again, this time from above. It is quite an impressive gorge at this level of the river in the beginning of the Grand Canyon


Later I arrived at Page, AZ and the dam at Lake Powell. It is really pretty and all of a sudden you see all kinds of cars towing boats in the middle of the desert.

I had a quick lunch in Page and then sped off to the North Rim of the Grand Canyon. To get there I drove through the Kaibab National Forest. It was a beautiful ride and cool at the 8,000 ft. altitude. And then I arrived at the North Rim of the Grand Canyon. Just after I got through the Forest Ranger check in station I ran into (almost literally) a herd of buffalo!


It really is breathtaking to see so many beautiful animals and places. Since there were some thunderstorms brewing it was really blustery. My acrophobia kicked in and I had to hold on to the railing while trying to take pictures by the lodge which sits right on the edge of the canyon. I didn’t dare go out to the lookout point with sheer precipices on either side. I guess I will have to get my courage up if I ever visit the South Rim’s glass viewing area.

Rather than go on to Williams, AZ, I decided to return to Page, AZ and get a hotel so that I could then move on to Durango and the Mesa Verde National Park area next. It will be good to sleep in a bed and be able to use my CPAP machine again. I was a bit drowsy while driving today because I did not have a sound sleep for three nights in the tent. However, I was surprised how much I did indeed sleep while camping – I just don’t know what my neighbors thought of all of the snoring!

I just tried plugging in my CPAP here at the hotel and it does not work!  Apparently when I tried to run it off of the special battery pack it must have fried the circuit.  Now I will have to get a new CPAP.  But when and how?

I have a lot more pictures, but for some reason it is taking a very long time just to upload the few I have here.  I will try to put more of my pics on my blog at my next stop.   Despites these little setbacks, I am really enjoying my trip.

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